Video Description

Great for developing core and hip strength, as well as a strong upper body. On your elbows, elbow is directly under shoulder joint/on hands, arms are straight down and hands are directly under shoulder. With feet on Valslides, drive one knee to chest while the other leg remains fully extended. Simultaneously switch leg positions and repeat. Hips are not to dip below chest height.


Coach/Presenter: Proformance Fitness

Playlist Description

PF Functional Strength - Form & Conditioning 1

This workout is perfect for the beginning of your workout regimen because it focuses on improving movement patterns and building a strong core. It will also improve your conditioning level. Use this workout anytime to maintain movement control and correct form. Workout progression and reps: 1. Leg Lowering x5
2. Bird Dog Diagonals x20 alternating
Deadlift Patterning x10

4. Band Knee Lift - 30 seconds each leg
5. 30-40 Inch Knee Drives - 30 seconds 
6. Valslide Runners - 30 seconds
7. Hip Flexor Stretch w/ Dowell - 10 seconds each side
8. Side Box Squats x10 each leg

REPEAT Numbers 4-7 at faster pace
9. Hip Raises x10
10. Side Box Squats x10 each leg


Also in Playlist "PF Functional Strength - Form & Conditioning 1"

PF Leg Lowering

PF Bird-Dog Diagonals

PF Deadlift Patterning

PF Band Knee Lift

PF 30-40 Inch Knee Drives

PF Valslide Runners

PF Hip Flexor Stretch w/ Dowell

PF Band Hip Raises

PF Side Box Squat Step


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