PF Functional Strength - Form & Conditioning 1

This workout is perfect for the beginning of your workout regimen because it focuses on improving movement patterns and building a strong core. It will also improve your conditioning level. Use this workout anytime to maintain movement control and correct form. Workout progression and reps: 1. Leg Lowering x5
2. Bird Dog Diagonals x20 alternating
Deadlift Patterning x10

4. Band Knee Lift - 30 seconds each leg
5. 30-40 Inch Knee Drives - 30 seconds 
6. Valslide Runners - 30 seconds
7. Hip Flexor Stretch w/ Dowell - 10 seconds each side
8. Side Box Squats x10 each leg

REPEAT Numbers 4-7 at faster pace
9. Hip Raises x10
10. Side Box Squats x10 each leg

PF Leg Lowering
PF Bird-Dog Diagonals
PF Deadlift Patterning
PF Band Knee Lift
PF 30-40 Inch Knee Drives
PF Valslide Runners
PF Hip Flexor Stretch w/ Dowell
PF Band Hip Raises
PF Side Box Squat Step